Try our tool for free

We are confident our webinar platform will meet your needs. Therefore you can try out our tool for free. No strings attached!

Step 1: Create an account

First, go to, fill in your details and read and agree to the terms and conditions. After clicking the ‘Register’ button, an e-mail will be sent to the address you have provided. By clicking the button in that e–mail, we verify your account and you will be able to use all our features.

Step 2: Create a webinar

Create a new webinar and choose a title and a date. After that you will be able to add content. You can:

  • Add a presentation
  • Add chapters
  • Add one or more polls
  • Add a survey

All of those are optional, but we recommend checking them out to see all possibilities.

You will also be able to invite participants for your webinar. For more information about the different ways you can do that, please see this page: Invite participants.

For this free webinar there is a limit of 100 participants.

Step 3: Broadcast your webinar

When the time is there to start your webinar, press the ‘Broadcast’ button. You will first be asked to select a camera and microphone. After that you will be taken to the broadcast tool. If all is good you can start the broadcast by clicking the ‘Start’ button. A short countdown will indicate when you are live!

The maximum duration for your free webinar is one hour.

Step 4: on demand and insights

After the broadcast has ended, an on demand will be automatically created.

Click the ‘Insights’ button in your webinar overview page to view data about your webinar, for example the chat history or poll results.

Don’t forget to check out our unique editor, by selecting ‘Edit on demand’ in the options menu for your webinar.

Your on demand will be available for one week.

Are you as enthousiastic about our platform as we are? Or do you still have some questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!